Monday, February 15, 2010

10 ways to beat the bloody devil called 'Depression'

1. Plug in your ipods/mp3 players and set out for a long walk. Sing Along with the music and play it loud. This helps drive away depressing thoughts.

2. Call up your best buddy and talk to him/her, or even better video chat. ( Do not even bother to call home. All you are going to do is freak them out.)

3. If it is a matter of lost love, or love never accomplished, Ben & Jerry's, Baskin Robbins, Coldstone.

4. If you complain about catching cold with ice creams, then try hershleys, dove. Have loads of them.

5. For the BAD boys....what if i asked "Sir RUM?" (recall Silencer from 3 Idiots) Oh! yeah baby, nothing works better than drinking like there is no tomorrow!

6. Alright nerds, this one is for you. Pick up a problem from Irodov or Jackson (for physics majors...for the rest of you.....pick up anything you hated most during your masters!) and suck it up until you break the tip of your pen or chew the back completely. Set the alarm and GO TO SLEEP.

7. Govinda. What a Stress buster! Any Govinda movie works wonders for me. Touchwood.

8. Baba Ramdev.

9. Porn. Seriously!. Porn is for teenagers or perverts. I don't fit into any of the categories. Now, you decide for yourself.

10. Get a gang of guys (girls will not be very helpful here), and start discussing the 'Kashmir Issue'. I am sure one of you will end up punching someone else's nose and woo woo...'Depression gone'.


  1. My fav is number 8. Baba Ramdev (naam hi kafi hai)!

  2. my openion goes to the 10....but the issue will be CPIM versus Trinamul in westbengal...which works better i guess...:P

  3. @ Mr. Anonymous....
    Thats a good idea, but I was thinking more on a national scale.

    for the rest of you- I will be glad to learn about more ways to deal with depression

  4. I found regular excercise is the best way to get rid from depression.....

  5. @samir: EXCERCISE, WTF ?????????
    When do you get time !!

  6. can choose F**k**g also...this is one of the good form of exercising your body and mind....I always able to manage sometime to do Ex.....whatever the form....

  7. Number 8. Read as

    "Ramdev Lagao, Depression bhagao" - Baba Ramdev brand anti depressant aggarbatti :D

  8. number 9 for me, spclly BDSM (cheers alubhai, i know u r with me), no 2 also works...
